Candidate Profile
Hiring Pipeline
Track and manage a candidate’s progress through your hiring stages
Hiring Pipeline
The Hiring Pipeline tab allows you to view and manage a candidate’s journey through your organization’s hiring process.
Viewing the Pipeline
- The pipeline shows various stages: Sourced, Screening, Assessment, Sent to client, Offered, Offer Accepted, and No Hire/Reject.
- The current stage of the candidate is highlighted.
Changing Candidate Stage
- Click on the desired stage in the pipeline view.
- Confirm the stage change when prompted.
Viewing Details
- The Details section shows when the candidate was sourced and their current stage.
Adding Notes
- Scroll down to the Notes section.
- Click the ”+” icon to add a new note.
- Enter your note and select whether you recommend the candidate.
- Save your note.
Regular note-taking can significantly improve collaboration among hiring team members.