This feature allows you to browse through large numbers of candidates efficiently, ensuring you can view and consider all applicants in your pipeline.


  • Easily manage large candidate pools
  • Ensure fair consideration of all applicants
  • Track your progress through the candidate review process

How to Navigate Pages


Locate Controls

Find the pagination controls at the bottom of the candidate list.


Change Pages

Click on page numbers or use “Next” and “Previous” buttons to navigate.


Jump to Page

Use the “Go to page” input to jump directly to a specific page.

Pagination Features

Page NumbersClick directly on a page number to jump to that page
Next/PreviousNavigate sequentially through pages
First/LastQuickly jump to the beginning or end of the list

The system tracks which pages you’ve viewed for analytics purposes, helping you keep track of your progress.

Next Steps

If you encounter any issues while navigating through candidates or using any other features of the ATS, refer to our troubleshooting guide for solutions to common problems.