The Natural Language Processing (NLP) search feature allows you to search for candidates using natural language queries, making it easier to find candidates with specific combinations of skills and experience.


  • Find candidates more intuitively using conversational language
  • Discover candidates who might be missed by traditional keyword searches
  • Save time by quickly identifying the most relevant candidates for complex requirements

Access NLP Search

Click on the NLP search option in the candidate list.


Enter Query

Type a detailed search query using natural language (e.g., “React Developer with 5 years of work experience and knowledge of GraphQL”).


Review Results

Click “Search” to view the list of relevant candidates based on your query.


Refine Search

Adjust your query as needed to broaden or narrow the results.

Example Queries

QueryWhat It Searches For
“Java developer with cloud experience”Candidates with Java skills and cloud computing knowledge
“Marketing manager who speaks Spanish”Marketing professionals with Spanish language skills
“Data scientist with PhD in statistics”Data scientists with advanced degrees in statistics

Be as specific as possible in your queries. The more details you provide, the more accurate your results will be.

Advanced NLP Features

Our NLP search understands:

  • Synonyms: “Software engineer” will also match “Software developer”
  • Acronyms: “AI” will be interpreted as “Artificial Intelligence”
  • Context: “5 years of experience in React” understands that the experience is specific to React

The NLP search continuously learns from user queries to improve its accuracy over time.

Combining NLP with Filters

For even more precise results:

  1. Perform an NLP search
  2. Use the standard filters to further refine your results
  3. Save your combined NLP query and filters for future use

Next Steps

After finding relevant candidates using NLP search, you may need to navigate through multiple pages of results to review all potential matches.