Adding New Candidates

This feature allows you to bulk upload candidate information, saving time and ensuring all candidates are properly entered into the system.


  • Quickly add multiple candidates to your pipeline
  • Ensure consistency in candidate data entry
  • Save time compared to manual data entry

How to Add New Candidates


Access Add Function

Click the “Add Candidate” button in the Pipeline View.


Choose Upload Method

Select the file upload option for bulk import.


Prepare Your File

Ensure your CSV or supported file format contains the required candidate information.


Upload File

Select your prepared file and click “Upload”.


Review and Confirm

Check the preview of imported data and confirm the upload.

Supported File Formats

CSVComma-separated values file
XLSXMicrosoft Excel spreadsheet
XMLExtensible Markup Language file

Download our template files to ensure your data is formatted correctly for import.

Required Fields for Import

  • Full Name
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number
  • Current Job Title
  • Years of Experience

Ensure all required fields are filled out in your import file to avoid errors during the upload process.

Handling Duplicates

During the import process, the system will check for potential duplicate candidates based on email addresses or phone numbers. You can choose to:

  • Skip duplicates
  • Update existing records
  • Create new records regardless

Post-Import Actions

After successfully importing candidates:

  1. The system will automatically distribute candidates to appropriate job pipelines based on their information.
  2. You’ll receive a summary report of the import, including any errors or warnings.
  3. New candidates will be flagged for review in the Pipeline View.

Next Steps

After adding new candidates, you might want to use our NLP search feature to quickly find the most relevant candidates for your open positions.